
By Rowan Oulton

This walkthrough video of hiking Mt Everest is a revealing look at the reality of the climb today.

Things I found surprising:

  • How large and elaborate Everest Base Camp is now
  • How you're surrounded by other people at all times, both during your hike and at camp
  • How prepared the trail is: steps in the snow are pre-cut, with ladders and ropes in place across the entire length of the trail
  • How blasé Jon Gupta, the author, is throughout the whole process. He might have been reporting in from a walk in his local park

Not pictured here but evident from other videos is the extent of the trash problem. There’s enough debris that Renan Ozturk and his gang were able to dumpster-dive for food rather than carry their own when they went up there looking for the body of Sandy Irvine.

This is so far removed from what I’d consider an enjoyable or challenging hike that I’m amazed people still do it. No doubt it’s hard work but it’s the wrong kind of work: all the creativity and problem solving is gone. And you’ve paid a team of locals to take the risks for you. Where’s the achievement in that?